On 25 November 2019, the CSSF issued an FAQ on persons involved in AML/CTF for a Luxembourg fund or investment fund manager (“IFM”)
On 15 November 2019, the CSSF published an updated version of the FAQs regarding anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing (“AML/CTF”) addressed to individuals/investors.
The twenty
In the context of the implementation process of AMLD V, on 8 August 2019, the Luxembourg government introduced a draft Bill of Law (“Bill of Law”), which notably amends the
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today a report identifying potential impediments to the cross-border provision of banking and payment services in the EU. Developed under the EBA’s FinTech Roadmap, this
Les AES ont publié leur deuxième avis commun concernant les risques de blanchiment des capitaux et de financement du terrorisme impactant le